速報APP / 圖書與參考資源 / Soil and Earthwork Calculator

Soil and Earthwork Calculator



檔案大小:16 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。

支援語言:德語, 法文, 義大利文, 英語, 葡萄牙文, 西班牙文

Soil and Earthwork Calculator(圖1)-速報App

Soil and Earthwork Calculator contains 60 Calculators for Soil Mechanics, Earthwork,excavation,compaction,footing,thrust from soil,explosion calculations and Civil Engineering parameters

- Available for iPad & iPhone

- Available in Imperial (USCS) and Metric Units (SI UNITS).

List of 60 Calculators :

1. Water Content of a Soil Sample (Volumetric)

2. Water Content of a Soil Sample (Gravimetric)

3. Void Ratio

4. Degree of Saturation

5. Degree of Saturation (Based on Void Ratio

6. Porosity

7. Dry Unit Weight of a Soil Specimen

8. Relative Density of Cohensionless Soils (Based on Void Ratio)

9. Relative Density of Cohensionless Soils (Based on Dry Unit Weight of Soil)

10. Plasticity Index

11. Liquidity Index

12. Shrinkage Index

13. Activity

14. Saturated Unit Weight of Soil

15. Dry Unit Weight of Soil

16. Buoyant Unit Weight of Soil

17. Coefficient of Internal Friction of Soil

Soil and Earthwork Calculator(圖2)-速報App

18. Vertical Stress in Soil (Boussinesq Equation)

19. Vertical Stress in Soil (Westergaard Equation)

20. Coefficient of Active Pressure

21. Coefficient of Passive Pressure

22. Total Thrust from the Soil (Walls retaining Cohensionless Soils)

23. Total Thrust from the Soil (Walls retaining Cohensionless Soils & Surface behind the Wall is Level)

24. Total Thrust from the Soil (Walls retaining Cohensionless Soils and are Completely Restrained)

25. Total Thrust from the Soil (Walls retaining Cohensionless Soils and are Completely Restrained & Surface behind the Wall is Level)

26. Total Thrust from the Soil (Walls retaining Cohesive Soils and are Free to Move a Considerable Amount)"

27.Total Thrust from the Soil (Walls retaining Cohesive Soils and are Free to Move a Small Amount)

28. Total Thrust from the Soil (Highly Cohesive Soils)

29. Total Thrust from Water retained behind a Wall)

30. Effect of Surcharge on a Wall retaining Cohensionless Soil/Unsaturated Cohesive Soil

31. Stability Number (Slope - Without Seepage Water)

32. Stability Number (Slope - Seepage of Water)

33. Ultimate Bearing Capacity of Soil (Prandtl's Equation)

34. Relationship between Loads on Foundations and Settlement

35. Volume of Soil

36. Percentage of Moisture Content in Soil

37. Field Density of Soil

38. Dry Density of Soil

Soil and Earthwork Calculator(圖3)-速報App

39. Percentage of Compaction of Soil

40. Scaling Factor (Load-Bearing Test)

41. California Bearing Ratio

42. Flow Rate

43. Compaction Production

44. Rolling Resistance (Earth Moving)

45. Grade Resistance (Earth Moving)

46. Total Road Resistance/Total Pull (Earth Moving)

47. Volume of Soil after Excavation

48. Volume of Soil after Compaction

49. Scraper Production

50. Trips per Hour (Scraper)

51. Amount of Material carried by a Machine

52. Production Required

53. Number of Scrapers needed on a Job

54. Number of Scrapers a Pusher can Load

55. Variable Time

56. Wavelength of Vibration during Explosion

57. Velocity of Particles distributed by Vibration during Explosion

58. Acceleration of Particles distributed by Vibration during Explosion

59. Overpressure due to Explosion

Soil and Earthwork Calculator(圖4)-速報App

60. Sound Pressure Level

- Uses either ( . ) dot or ( , ) comma as decimal separator, based on regional settings of the device.

Soil and Earthwork Calculator(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad